If you have autoimmune disease (or really any disease or condition that flares up from time to time) maybe you can relate:
The past few days my eyes have been bugging me. Well, ok, it's been over a week. So anyway, I bought some over the counter eye drops because I couldn't find the drops I bought last year when this happened. But they weren't helping. And now, over a week after it started I finally remembered that the opthamologist gave me a prescription for eye drops but I had no idea where I put it. I hate losing my meds...
I looked in the "medicine bag", the baskets, shelves, purses, bags, pockets, etc. Nothing. Then, I searched my office (which is a small tornado ravaged room also known as my teenage daughter's room). Checked the shelves and drawers. Nothing. Then I saw my Arbonne bags on the floor and started looking through them. BINGO. Found both the prescription and over the counter drops in THE SAME BOX in a zippered pocket in one of my Arbonne bags. Figures.
Moral of the story: Know where your medications are. Have a back up just in case (I called in a refill immediately). And don't wait a week until you look for it! Duh. Let's just hope it kicks in by tomorrow. Another day of red irritated eyes and my patients are going to start wondering what I'm up to...
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